Mobup named in the Top 10 of Java Mobile Killer Apps


I'm very happy to announce that Mobup has been nominated as one of the 10 killer application developed using Java technology for mobiles (J2ME) by Wendong’s Smart Phone Weblog

Mobup has been awarded with the 3rd place after Widsets (WOW!) and Comedy Central Take Out.

Between all those apps my preferred one is The Voice, a great tool for blind users on the move; this is also one of the possible ultra-vertical apps that could lead to huge success of low-cost mobile devices in the developing countries (for my thoughts on this you can have a listen to this podcast - MP3 – 5.6MB – 24min or - to a lesser extent - take a look at this post on my blog).

Download source code

Mobup source code is now available for free under GNU General Public License and is hosted on Sourceforge, the world's largest Open Source software development web site. (Visit developer section for more infos)

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